


we're tim and laura sullivan

We create killer brands for mission-driven companies, and no one has ever loved their job more than we do.

WHERE we've been

So we can help you run your brand with vision, efficiency, and hospitality

So you don’t have to buy a plane ticket to hear about the recent innovations in Malaysia or design trends in Barcelona– we got you

So your building stage can be shorter, more powerful, and you can skip over all the time we spent learning from our mistakes

Got our School-of-Hard-Knocks MBAs running a million dollar company together

Built multiple six figure businesses from the ground up

Traveled to 40 countries (and counting) to see what cutting edge companies are doing with design and hospitality


Believe that good business and a good life are not mutually exclusive

Value next-level design as a form of hospitality

Are ready to take really really good care of their clients

Prioritize long term relationships and quality products over a quick sale


(the stuff we believe in)

We respect you enough to tell you what we really think you need in your business at whatever point of development you’re in! If we're not a good fit for you, we're gonna say it. And we count on your trust in us– that we are offering you a hard-earned perspective and help that will benefit your company in the long run.


This is our core value – and we want it to be yours, too! We believe in the win/win of creating excellent things for good people. Whether your hospitality is opening a literal door for your guests or giving them a seamless online experience, welcoming your clients should knock their socks off and create a connection for life. It means caring more about the relationship than a quick sale. It’s the only way your business will make it long term, and the only way you can bring your highest values and deepest care to your work. We believe that the only brands worth buying from are the ones committed to hospitality, and who aim to leave a lasting legacy of genuine care, empathy and kindness.


We only work with companies and people with high ethical standards. We always aim to give more than we get, and we expect our clients to treat their own communities with a standard that goes beyond expectations.


Your company should be in the business of improving your clients’ lives and calling them to a higher level. It is a route to express your deeper passions, but it is not self-serving. Unchecked capitalism and greed won't create excellent companies or excellent people, and we think we can all do better.


Aka essentialism. Get down to the basics of what you want to offer your clients and let them shine.



Give back to the community that built it

Create a bigger life for everyone it touches

Add an intentional brick to the construction project of creating a better world

business for good

One of our biggest priorities is using our businesses (and the communities surrounding them) to support causes we believe in.

Thanks to our generous community and matching donors, we have raised nearly $300,000 (and counting!) for nonprofits and funds that are meaningful to us.

WHO we've supported

The Equal Justice Initiative
Planned Parenthood
Everytown for Gun Safety
Black Mamas Matter Alliance
National Bail Out
The National Birth Equity Collaborative
The Loveland Foundation
API Chaya
The Northwest Immigrant Rights Projects
The Refugee Women’s Alliance